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Prenatal Care at CONNECT

Every Pregnancy Deserves Exceptional Care

Whether this is your first pregnancy or last pregnancy, no matter how early or how late you've found us, we can help you create the pregnancy and birth story you've always dreamed of.


Whether it's supporting you in exercising through pelvic, back or hip pain, or routine prenatal care to prepare for labour and delivery, our team has your back (and your pelvic floor).

How Can We Support You?

Prenatal Pelvic and Women's Health Physiotherapy

For management of incontinence, pain and maintenance of physical activity during pregnancy

Prenatal Massage

Using specialized bolsters and pillows to support your changing body, to help relieve pain and keep you moving

Birth Essentials: Pelvic Floor Preparation For Labour

A two-evening workshop recommended for all pregnant people and their birth partners

Prenatal Yoga and Fitness

Guided fitness and yoga series designed to keep you moving throughout your pregnancy

1:1 Birth Preparation

When the workshop timing doesn't work, or when you desire more individualized birth preparation and practice

Prenatal Pelvic Floor And Women's Health Physiotherapy

Birth Essentials: Pelvic Floor Preparation For Labour

Individualized Birth Preparation, For You And Your Partner

Prenatal Massage

Prenatal Yoga and Fitness

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